| LCIMConversationQuery (LCIMClient client) |
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereEqualTo (string key, object value) |
| The value corresponding to key is equal to value, or the array corresponding to key contains value.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereNotEqualTo (string key, object value) |
| The value corresponding to key is not equal to value, or the array corresponding to key does not contain value.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereContainedIn (string key, IEnumerable values) |
| Values contains value corresponding to key, or values contains at least one element in the array corresponding to key.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereNotContainedIn (string key, IEnumerable values) |
| The value of key must not be contained in values.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereContainsAll (string key, IEnumerable values) |
| The array corresponding to key contains all elements in values.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereExists (string key) |
| The attribute corresponding to key exists.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereDoesNotExist (string key) |
| The attribute corresponding to key does not exist.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereSizeEqualTo (string key, int size) |
| The size of the array corresponding to key is equal to size.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereGreaterThan (string key, object value) |
| The value corresponding to key is greater than value.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereGreaterThanOrEqualTo (string key, object value) |
| The value corresponding to key is greater than or equal to value.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereLessThan (string key, object value) |
| The value corresponding to key is less than value.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereLessThanOrEqualTo (string key, object value) |
| The value corresponding to key is less than or equal to value.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereStartsWith (string key, string prefix) |
| The string corresponding to key has a prefix.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereEndsWith (string key, string suffix) |
| The string corresponding to key has a suffix.
LCIMConversationQuery | WhereContains (string key, string subString) |
| The string corresponding to key has a subString.
LCIMConversationQuery | OrderBy (string key) |
| The ascending order by the value corresponding to key.
LCIMConversationQuery | OrderByDescending (string key) |
| The descending order by the value corresponding to key.
LCIMConversationQuery | Include (string key) |
| Includes nested LCObject for the provided key.
LCIMConversationQuery | Select (string key) |
| Restricts the keys of the LCObject returned.
LCIMConversationQuery | Skip (int value) |
| Sets the amount of results to skip before returning any results.
LCIMConversationQuery | Limit (int value) |
| Sets the limit of the number of results to return.
async Task< ReadOnlyCollection< LCIMConversation > > | Find () |
| Retrieves a list of LCObjects matching this query.
async Task< LCIMConversation > | First () |
| Retrieves the first conversation from the query.
Task< LCIMConversation > | Get (string convId) |
| Retrieves the conversation.
LCIMConversationQuery is the query for conversations.