leancloud.client 源代码

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import json
import time
import hashlib
import functools

import six
import requests

import leancloud
from leancloud import utils
from leancloud.app_router import AppRouter

__author__ = "asaka <lan@leancloud.rocks>"

APP_ID = None
APP_KEY = None
if os.getenv("LEANCLOUD_APP_ENV") == "production":
elif os.getenv("LEANCLOUD_APP_ENV") == "stage":
else:  # probably on local machine
    if os.getenv("LEAN_CLI_HAVE_STAGING") == "true":
        USE_PRODUCTION = "0"
    else:  # free trial instance only
        USE_PRODUCTION = "1"

# 兼容老版本,如果 USE_MASTER_KEY 为 None ,并且 MASTER_KEY 不为 None,则使用 MASTER_KEY

app_router = None
session = requests.Session()
request_hooks = {}



[文档]def init(app_id, app_key=None, master_key=None, hook_key=None): """初始化 LeanCloud 的 AppId / AppKey / MasterKey :type app_id: string_types :param app_id: 应用的 Application ID :type app_key: None or string_types :param app_key: 应用的 Application Key :type master_key: None or string_types :param master_key: 应用的 Master Key :param hook_key: application's hook key :type hook_key: None or string_type """ if (not app_key) and (not master_key): raise RuntimeError("app_key or master_key must be specified") global APP_ID, APP_KEY, MASTER_KEY, HOOK_KEY APP_ID = app_id APP_KEY = app_key MASTER_KEY = master_key if hook_key: HOOK_KEY = hook_key else: HOOK_KEY = os.environ.get("LEANCLOUD_APP_HOOK_KEY")
def need_init(func): @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): if APP_ID is None: raise RuntimeError("LeanCloud SDK must be initialized") headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8", "X-LC-Id": APP_ID, "X-LC-Hook-Key": HOOK_KEY, "X-LC-Prod": USE_PRODUCTION, "User-Agent": "AVOS Cloud python-{0} SDK ({1}.{2})".format( leancloud.__version__, leancloud.version_info.major, leancloud.version_info.minor, ), } md5sum = hashlib.md5() current_time = six.text_type(int(time.time() * 1000)) if (USE_MASTER_KEY is None and MASTER_KEY) or USE_MASTER_KEY is True: md5sum.update((current_time + MASTER_KEY).encode("utf-8")) headers["X-LC-Sign"] = md5sum.hexdigest() + "," + current_time + ",master" else: # In python 2.x, you can feed this object with arbitrary # strings using the update() method, but in python 3.x, # you should feed with bytes-like objects. md5sum.update((current_time + APP_KEY).encode("utf-8")) headers["X-LC-Sign"] = md5sum.hexdigest() + "," + current_time user = leancloud.User.get_current() if user: headers["X-LC-Session"] = user._session_token return func(headers=headers, *args, **kwargs) return new_func def get_url(part): # try to use the base URL from environ url = os.environ.get("LC_API_SERVER") or os.environ.get("LEANCLOUD_API_SERVER") if url: return "{}/{}{}".format(url, SERVER_VERSION, part) global app_router if app_router is None: app_router = AppRouter(APP_ID, REGION) if part.startswith("/push") or part.startswith("/installations"): host = app_router.get("push") elif part.startswith("/collect"): host = app_router.get("stats") elif part.startswith("/functions") or part.startswith("/call"): host = app_router.get("engine") else: host = app_router.get("api") r = { "schema": "https" if USE_HTTPS else "http", "version": SERVER_VERSION, "host": host, "part": part, } return "{schema}://{host}/{version}{part}".format(**r)
[文档]def use_production(flag): """调用生产环境 / 开发环境的 cloud func / cloud hook 默认调用生产环境。 """ global USE_PRODUCTION USE_PRODUCTION = "1" if flag else "0"
[文档]def use_master_key(flag=True): """是否使用 master key 发送请求。 如果不调用此函数,会根据 leancloud.init 的参数来决定是否使用 master key。 :type flag: bool """ global USE_MASTER_KEY if not flag: USE_MASTER_KEY = False return if not MASTER_KEY: raise RuntimeError("LeanCloud SDK master key not specified") USE_MASTER_KEY = True
def check_error(func): @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): response = func(*args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(response, requests.Response) if response.headers.get("Content-Type") == "text/html": raise leancloud.LeanCloudError(-1, "Bad Request") content = response.json() if "error" in content: raise leancloud.LeanCloudError( content.get("code", 1), content.get("error", "Unknown Error") ) return response return new_func
[文档]def use_region(region): if region not in ("CN", "US"): raise ValueError("currently no nodes in the region") global REGION REGION = region
def get_server_time(): response = check_error(session.get)(get_url("/date"), timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS) return utils.decode("iso", response.json()) def get_app_info(): return { "app_id": APP_ID, "app_key": APP_KEY, "master_key": MASTER_KEY, "hook_key": HOOK_KEY, } @need_init @check_error def get(url, params=None, headers=None): if not params: params = {} else: for k, v in six.iteritems(params): if isinstance(v, dict): params[k] = json.dumps(v, separators=(",", ":")) response = session.get( get_url(url), headers=headers, params=params, timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS, hooks=request_hooks, ) return response @need_init @check_error def post(url, params, headers=None): response = session.post( get_url(url), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(params, separators=(",", ":")), timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS, hooks=request_hooks, ) return response @need_init @check_error def put(url, params, headers=None): response = session.put( get_url(url), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(params, separators=(",", ":")), timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS, hooks=request_hooks, ) return response @need_init @check_error def delete(url, params=None, headers=None): response = session.delete( get_url(url), headers=headers, data=json.dumps(params, separators=(",", ":")), timeout=TIMEOUT_SECONDS, hooks=request_hooks, ) return response