
const _ = require('underscore');
const { _request } = require('./request');
const AV = require('./av');

const serializeMessage = message => {
  if (typeof message === 'string') {
    return message;
  if (typeof message.getPayload === 'function') {
    return JSON.stringify(message.getPayload());
  return JSON.stringify(message);

 * <p>An AV.Conversation is a local representation of a LeanCloud realtime's
 * conversation. This class is a subclass of AV.Object, and retains the
 * same functionality of an AV.Object, but also extends it with various
 * conversation specific methods, like get members, creators of this conversation.
 * </p>
 * @class AV.Conversation
 * @param {String} name The name of the Role to create.
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {Boolean} [options.isSystem] Set this conversation as system conversation.
 * @param {Boolean} [options.isTransient] Set this conversation as transient conversation.
module.exports = AV.Object.extend(
  /** @lends AV.Conversation.prototype */ {
    constructor(name, options = {}) {, null, null);
      this.set('name', name);
      if (options.isSystem !== undefined) {
        this.set('sys', options.isSystem ? true : false);
      if (options.isTransient !== undefined) {
        this.set('tr', options.isTransient ? true : false);
     * Get current conversation's creator.
     * @return {String}
    getCreator() {
      return this.get('c');

     * Get the last message's time.
     * @return {Date}
    getLastMessageAt() {
      return this.get('lm');

     * Get this conversation's members
     * @return {String[]}
    getMembers() {
      return this.get('m');

     * Add a member to this conversation
     * @param {String} member
    addMember(member) {
      return this.add('m', member);

     * Get this conversation's members who set this conversation as muted.
     * @return {String[]}
    getMutedMembers() {
      return this.get('mu');

     * Get this conversation's name field.
     * @return String
    getName() {
      return this.get('name');

     * Returns true if this conversation is transient conversation.
     * @return {Boolean}
    isTransient() {
      return this.get('tr');

     * Returns true if this conversation is system conversation.
     * @return {Boolean}
    isSystem() {
      return this.get('sys');

     * Send realtime message to this conversation, using HTTP request.
     * @param {String} fromClient Sender's client id.
     * @param {String|Object} message The message which will send to conversation.
     *     It could be a raw string, or an object with a `toJSON` method, like a
     *     realtime SDK's Message object. See more: {@link消息}
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Boolean} [options.transient] Whether send this message as transient message or not.
     * @param {String[]} [options.toClients] Ids of clients to send to. This option can be used only in system conversation.
     * @param {Object} [options.pushData] Push data to this message. See more: {@link 推送消息内容}
     * @param {AuthOptions} [authOptions]
     * @return {Promise}
    send(fromClient, message, options = {}, authOptions = {}) {
      const data = {
        from_peer: fromClient,
        transient: false,
        message: serializeMessage(message),
      if (options.toClients !== undefined) {
        data.to_peers = options.toClients;
      if (options.transient !== undefined) {
        data.transient = options.transient ? true : false;
      if (options.pushData !== undefined) {
        data.push_data = options.pushData;
      return _request('rtm', 'messages', null, 'POST', data, authOptions);

     * Send realtime broadcast message to all clients, via this conversation, using HTTP request.
     * @param {String} fromClient Sender's client id.
     * @param {String|Object} message The message which will send to conversation.
     *     It could be a raw string, or an object with a `toJSON` method, like a
     *     realtime SDK's Message object. See more: {@link消息}.
     * @param {Object} [options]
     * @param {Object} [options.pushData] Push data to this message. See more: {@link 推送消息内容}.
     * @param {Object} [options.validTill] The message will valid till this time.
     * @param {AuthOptions} [authOptions]
     * @return {Promise}
    broadcast(fromClient, message, options = {}, authOptions = {}) {
      const data = {
        from_peer: fromClient,
        message: serializeMessage(message),
      if (options.pushData !== undefined) {
        data.push = options.pushData;
      if (options.validTill !== undefined) {
        let ts = options.validTill;
        if (_.isDate(ts)) {
          ts = ts.getTime();
        options.valid_till = ts;
      return _request('rtm', 'broadcast', null, 'POST', data, authOptions);